University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
Type of Resource
Showing 121–150 of 404 items
Thumbnail for Freshwater mussels of the Sangamon River
Freshwater mussels of the Sangamon River
Price, Alison L.; Bales, Sarah A.; Shasteen, Diane K.

Thumbnail for Freshwater Mussels of the Mississippi South/South Central Basins
Freshwater Mussels of the Mississippi South/South Central Basins
Shasteen, Diane; Price, Alison; Bales, Sarah A.

Thumbnail for The Long-term Illinois, Mississippi, Ohio, And Wabash Rivers Fish Population Monitoring Program - 2011
The Long-term Illinois, Mississippi, Ohio, And Wabash Rivers Fish Population Monitoring Program - 2011
Tyszko,Stephen M.; Michaels, Nerissa N.; Lubinski,Benjamin J.; Edison,Timothy W.; Epifanio,John E.; Chick,John H.; Cao,Yong; Sass,Gregg G.

Thumbnail for Freshwater Mussels of the Big Muddy River
Freshwater Mussels of the Big Muddy River
Shasteen, Diane; Price, Alison; Bales, Sarah A.

Thumbnail for A Statewide Database for Stream Fishes F-120-R-1-3, Final Report
A Statewide Database for Stream Fishes F-120-R-1-3, Final Report
Bayley, Peter B.; Illyes, Robert F.; Sobaski, Stephen T.

Thumbnail for Freshwater Mussels of the Little Wabash River Basin
Freshwater Mussels of the Little Wabash River Basin
Shasteen, Diane K.; Price, Alison L.; Bales, Sarah A.

Thumbnail for Creel Survey Manual for the District Fisheries Analysis System (FAS): A Package for
            Fisheries Management and Research
Creel Survey Manual for the District Fisheries Analysis System (FAS): A Package for Fisheries Management and Research
Bayley, Peter B.; Sobaski, Stephen T.; Austen, Douglas J.; Thampson, Mark; Citterman, Alan; Illyes, Robert F.

Thumbnail for Revision and Update of the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan's Streams Campaign:  Final Report
Revision and Update of the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan's Streams Campaign: Final Report
Hinz, Leon C., Jr.; Henning, Bridget M.; Metzke, Brian A.; Vandermyde, Jodi M.

Thumbnail for Mollusks of the Shawnee National Forest, Illinois
Mollusks of the Shawnee National Forest, Illinois
Tiemann,Jeremy S.; Cummings,Kevin S.; Phillips,Christopher A.

Thumbnail for INHS Reports, September/October 1995
INHS Reports, September/October 1995
Illinois Natural History Survey

Thumbnail for Research and Analysis of Fisheries in Illinois
Research and Analysis of Fisheries in Illinois
Stein, Jeffrey A.; Suski, Cory D.; Philipp, David P.; Sherwood, Joshua L.; Patterson, Kristen; Claussen, Julie E.; Lukey, James; Rundus, Austin; Huck, Sarah; Stanhope, Kimberly A.; McNamara, Thomasine; Miller-Ishmael, Lynnette; Illyes, Robert F.