Author & Contributor Index
- Iyer, R.K.
- Iyer, Sridhar V.
- Iyer, Subu
- Iyer, Vighnesh Narayanan
- Iyer, Vinay Arvind
- Izaguirre III, Jose G.
- Izaguirre Paz, Jesus Antonio
- Izant, H.A.
- Izard, Ralph Stead
- Izenstark, Dina
- Izenstark, Dina Marie
- Izquierdo Prieto, Oscar Alberto
- Izrailev, Sergei Felixovich
- Izuoka, Kyoichi
- iConference 2013 Program Committee
- iConference 2014 Program Committee
- Illinois Basin Energy and Mineral Resources Workshop (1994 : Evansville, Ind.)
- Illinois. General Assembly. Efficiency and Economy Committee. Report, 1914.
- Illinois. General Assembly. Efficiency and Economy Committee. Report, 1914. [Appendix 5]
- International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology (9th : 1979 : Washington, D.C. and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- iSchool Inclusion Institute (i3)