Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- The Nature Conservancy and INHS
- The Nature Conservancy, Central Illinois Field Office
- The Nature Conservancy, Illinois
- The Northeast states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont)
- The Office of the Chief of Engineers. Department of the Army.
- The Office of Undergraduate Research
- The Ohio River Division Laboratories
- The Portland Cement Association
- The project was supported through Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration (Dingell-Johnson) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Division of Fisheries, and the Illinois Natural History Survey.
- The Rare Book & Manuscript Library
- The Reinforced Concrete Research Council; The Bureau of Public Roads
- The Reinforced Concrete Research Council; The Bureau of Public Roads; U.S. Department of Commerce
- The Research Council of Norway
- The Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints
- The Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints Project I
- The Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints Project IV
- The research reported herein was supported in part by the National Institute of Education
- The research reported herein was supported in part by the National Institute of Education.
- The State of Illinois. Department of Transportation, Division of Highway.
- The State of Illinois. Department of Transportation, Division of Highways.
- The State of Illinois, Division of Highways; The U.S. Department of Trsansportation, Bureau of Public Roads
- The Tykociner Memorial Fund
- The University of Illinois Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
- The University of Illinois Open Archives Initiative Metadata Harvesting Project, including the research described in this article, was funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- The U. S. Department of Agriculture
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture for funding provided to the Illinois Transdisciplinary Obesity Prevention Program
- The U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Public Roads.
- The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
- The U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Works Administration.
- The Welding Research Council
- The work described here was partially funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for its support.
- The work of the first and second authors was partially supported by an NSERC Canada Postgraduate Scholarship, and a grant from NSERC Canada, respectively.
- This case study was developed as part of the Waste to Profit Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency Augmentation project, funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Source Reduction Grant Program.
- This fact sheet was developed as part of the Illinois Conservation of Resources and Energy (ICORE) project, funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- This research effort was sponsored by JENTEK Sensors, Inc.
- This research was supported by a grant from the Illinois Mine Subsidence Research Program and the Department of Geology, Northern Illinois University.
- This study was supported with funding from the Hazardous Waste Research Fund, adminstered by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.
- This work was sponsored by the Illinois Mine Subsidence Research Program administered by the Illinois State Geological Survey through a grant from the Coal Development Board of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources and the members of the Illinois coal industry.
- Title VI Grant for National Resource Centers through the U.S. Department of Education
- Truss Plate Institute
- TRW Corporation
- Tykociner Memorial Lecture
- T32 DC006612/DC/NIDCD NIH HHS/United States
- Taiwan National Science Council Grant NSC-095-SAF-I-564-036-TMS
- Task 12 of the ASCE Combined Sewer Separation Project, Contract FWPCA No. 14-12-29
- Task 12 of the ASCE Combined Sewer Separation Project, Contract FWPCA No. 14-12-29 for the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
- Texas Instruments Inc., the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), and USAF / 92-DP-109 and F30602-92-C-0059
- The 2015 iConference Doctoral Colloquium is made possible in part by a generous grant from the National Science Foundation (#1519338). Additional funding was provided by the iSchools.
- the 2024–2025 Perrin Moorhead Grayson and Bruns Grayson Fellow, Harvard Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study