University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Units Grainger College of Engineering Coordinated Science Laboratory Report - Coordinated Science Laboratory Reducing Space Overhead for Independent Checkpointing
Reducing Space Overhead for Independent Checkpointing
Wang, Yi-Min; Chung, Pi-Yu; Lin, In-Jen; Fuchs, W. Kent
Title Reducing Space Overhead for Independent Checkpointing Author(s) Wang, Yi-Min Chung, Pi-Yu Lin, In-Jen Fuchs, W. Kent Issue Date 1993-09 Keyword(s) Recovery line Algorithm Non-discardable checkpoints Communication-trace-driven simulation Publisher Center for Reliable and High-Performance Computing, Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Series/Report Name or Number Coordinated Science Laboratory Report no. UILU-ENG-92-2209, CRHC-92-06 (revised) Type of Resource text Language en Permalink Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s) Department of the Navy / N00014-91-J-1283 National Aeronautics and Space Administration / NASA NAG 1-613
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