Laboratory Measurement Of Millimeter-wave Transitions Of 13ch2doh For Astronomical Use
Oyama, Takahiro
- Title
- Laboratory Measurement Of Millimeter-wave Transitions Of 13ch2doh For Astronomical Use
- Author(s)
- Oyama, Takahiro
- Contributor(s)
- Sakai, Nami
- sakai, takeshi
- Nakatani, Riouhei
- Watanabe, Yoshimasa
- Zeng, Shaoshan
- Tamanai, Akemi
- Ohno, Yuki
- Issue Date
- 2022-06-22
- Keyword(s)
- Astronomy
- Abstract
- Methanol (\chem{CH_3OH}) is known to be an important precursor of various interstellar complex organic molecules. As a monodeuterated methanol, \chem{CH_2DOH} is one of the most abundant isotopologues of \chem{CH_3OH} which is often used to study the deuterium fractionation of \chem{CH_3OH} in interstellar medium.\footnote{e.g., Jørgensen $et$ $al$. 2018, A\&A, {\bf 620}, A170.} One of the problems regarding \chem{CH_2DOH} is that its emission lines are sometimes optically thick, and thus the derivation of its abundance is very difficult and frequently unreliable. Observations of its presumably optically thin \chem{^{13}C} substituted species, \chem{^{13}CH_2DOH}, would give us an opportunity to overcome this issue. In this study, the rotational transitions of \chem{^{13}CH_2DOH} have been measured in the millimeter wave region between 216 GHz and 264 GHz with an emission type millimeter and submillimeter-wave spectrometer, SUMIRE,\footnote{Watanabe $et$ $al$. 2021, PASJ, {\bf 72}, 372.} by using a deuterium and \chem{^{13}C} enriched samples.\footnote{Ohno, Oyama $et$ $al$, submitted to ApJ.} The absolute intensities for the $a$-type transitions are within 10\% from their theoretical values except for perturbed lines, whereas large differences are seen in the $b$-type transitions. Our experimental results will contribute to identify \chem{^{13}CH_2DOH} in observational spectra from respective astronomical environments, and thereby allow us to study the deuterium fractionation of \chem{CH_3OH} in various sources with accurate determination of the \chem{CH_2DOH} abundance.
- Publisher
- International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- eng
- Handle URL
- https://hdl.handle.net/2142/116696&&
- https://doi.org/10.15278/isms.2022.WN06
- Copyright and License Information
- Copyright 2022 held by the authors
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