University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Units Prairie Research Institute Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) Contract Reports - Illinois State Geological Survey Mineral matter and trace elements in the Herrin and Springfield Coals, Illinois Basin Coal Field
Mineral matter and trace elements in the Herrin and Springfield Coals, Illinois Basin Coal Field
Harvey, Richard David
Title Mineral matter and trace elements in the Herrin and Springfield Coals, Illinois Basin Coal Field Author(s) Harvey, Richard David Contributor(s) United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development Illinois State Geological Survey Issue Date 1984 Keyword(s) Coal Coal -- Mineral matter. Date of Ingest 2013-05-28T15:50:42Z Geographic Coverage Illinois Basin. Publisher Champaign, Ill. : Illinois State Geological Survey, Series/Report Name or Number Contract/grant report 1983-04 Type of Resource text Language eng Permalink Has Version(s) Copyright and License Information In copyright. Digitized with permission of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Contact for information. Copyright 1984 Board of Trustees University of Illinois.
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