University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Units Prairie Research Institute Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) Illinois Geologic Quadrangle (IGQ) - Illinois State Geological Survey Geologic map of the Goreville Quadrangle, Johnson and Williamson Counties, Illinois
Geologic map of the Goreville Quadrangle, Johnson and Williamson Counties, Illinois
Jacobson, Russell J.
Title Geologic map of the Goreville Quadrangle, Johnson and Williamson Counties, Illinois Author(s) Jacobson, Russell J. Contributor(s) Illinois State Geological Survey Northern Illinois University. Laboratory for Cartography and Spatial Analysis Damberger, H.H. Trask, C.B. Issue Date 1991 Keyword(s) Geology Geology--Illinois--Maps Geographic Coverage Goreville Quadrangle Johnson County Williamson County Publisher Champaign, Ill.: Illinois Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources, Illinois State Geological Survey Series/Report Name or Number IGQ 07 Type of Resource text Language eng Permalink Copyright and License Information Copyright 1991 Board of Trustees University of Illinois.
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