University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
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Showing 61–90 of 28,185 items
Thumbnail for Effectiveness of Exterior Beam Rotation Prevention Systems for Bridge Deck Construction
Effectiveness of Exterior Beam Rotation Prevention Systems for Bridge Deck Construction
Ashiquzzaman, Md; Li, Hui; Schmeltz, Justin; Merino, Carlos; Bozkurt, Bora; Ibrahim, Ahmed; Lindquist, Will; Hindi, Riyadh

Thumbnail for Modeling streamlines and mass transport in circulating flow
Modeling streamlines and mass transport in circulating flow
Alavian, Vahid; Broeren, Sally M.; Bintz, David W.

Thumbnail for Ultrasonic Imaging for Concrete Infrastructure Condition Assessment and Quality Assurance
Ultrasonic Imaging for Concrete Infrastructure Condition Assessment and Quality Assurance
Popovics, John S.; Roesler, Jeffrey R.; Bittner, James; Amirkhanian, Armen N.; Brand, Alexander S.; Gupta, Prakhar; Flowers, Katherine

Thumbnail for Development of A Highway Incident Management Operational andTraining Guide For Incident Responders in Illinois
Development of A Highway Incident Management Operational andTraining Guide For Incident Responders in Illinois
Zhou, Huaguo; Fries, Ryan; Williamson, Michael; Tian, Zhaofeng; Vaughn, Brent

Thumbnail for Transport processes of particles in dilute suspensions in turbulent water flow–phase I
Transport processes of particles in dilute suspensions in turbulent water flow–phase I
Jones, Barclay G.; Beoletto, James A.; Meek, Charcles C.; Ostensen, Raymond J.; Robin, Ronald

Thumbnail for Formability of New High Performance A710 Grade 50 Structural Steel
Formability of New High Performance A710 Grade 50 Structural Steel
Vaynman, Semyon; Fine, Morris E.; Hahin, Christopher

Thumbnail for Integral Abutment Bridges Under Thermal Loading: Numerical Simulations and Parametric Study
Integral Abutment Bridges Under Thermal Loading: Numerical Simulations and Parametric Study
LaFave, James M.; Fahnestock, Larry A.; Wright, Beth A.; Riddle, Joseph K.; Jarrett, Matthew W.; Svatora, Jeffrey S.; An, Huayu; Brambila, Gabriela

Thumbnail for Incorporating NEPA into IDOT and MPO Planning Processes
Incorporating NEPA into IDOT and MPO Planning Processes
El-Gohary, Nora; Liu, Liang; El-Rayes, Khaled; Lv, Xuan

Thumbnail for Construction and Performance Monitoring of Various Asphalt Mixes in Illinois: 2016 Interim Report
Construction and Performance Monitoring of Various Asphalt Mixes in Illinois: 2016 Interim Report
Lippert, D.L.; Wu, S.; Ozer, H.; Al-Qadi, I.L.; Meister, J.F.; Renshaw, G.; Barry, M.K.; Said, I.M.; Espinoza Luque, A.F.; Safi, F.R.; Murphy, T.R.; Trepanier, J.S.; Vespa, J.W.

Thumbnail for Effectiveness Evaluation of a Modified Right-Turn Lane Design at Intersections
Effectiveness Evaluation of a Modified Right-Turn Lane Design at Intersections
Schattler, Kerrie L.; Hanson, Trevor; Maillacheruvu, Krishnanand

Thumbnail for Development of a Highway Incident Management Operational and Training Guide: Phase II
Development of a Highway Incident Management Operational and Training Guide: Phase II
Fries, Ryan; Zhou, Huaguo; Williamson, Michael; Yiu, Yu Liang; Qu, Yuhui; Gu, Patrick

Thumbnail for Effectiveness Evaluation of a Modified Right‐Turn Lane Design at Intersections
Effectiveness Evaluation of a Modified Right‐Turn Lane Design at Intersections
Schattler, Kerrie L.; Hanson, Trevor; Maillacheruvu, Krishnanand

Thumbnail for Aquatic Plastic Debris
Aquatic Plastic Debris
Submitter: Laura Barnes

Thumbnail for Estimation of Peak Discharge Quantiles for Selected Annual Exceedance Probabilities in Northeastern Illinois
Estimation of Peak Discharge Quantiles for Selected Annual Exceedance Probabilities in Northeastern Illinois
Over, Thomas; Saito, Riki; Veilleux, Andrea; Sharpe, Jennifer; Soong, David; Ishii, Audrey

Thumbnail for Evaluation of Net-free Erosion Control Blankets
Evaluation of Net-free Erosion Control Blankets
Bhattarai, Rabin; Zhang, Yufan; Yao, Owen • 2023